Our Lady of Mercy CWL council was Chartered in 1948 and we know that things have changed a lot for women since then. As well as serving Our Lady of Mercy parish throughout the past 73 years building community and spiritual life of our members and parish, we have fundraised and promoted healthy family life by supporting Right to Life groups, Development & Peace special projects, Covenant House youth outreach, Catholic Missions in Canada, Coady Institute, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Catholic Near East Welfare Association, National Bursary Fund, Domestic Abuse Services, as well as OLM parish, grocery gift cards for families in need, Missionaries of Charity, and Hope for Women – Baby Bottle Campaign just to name a few.
Our strength is in our numbers! We are constantly looking for new members to join our League because we believe in the power of working together toward common goals – and many hands make for light work, and the CWL has been right there all along, fighting for the rights of women and families at all levels of government, passing resolutions, working hard to understand and then act on complex political and social issues that affect all Canadians.
For questions or membership information/application, please contact Janet Kilby at 604-522-0513 or janetkil@telus.net or Elaine Tan at 604-525-7048 elaine_tan@telus.net .